IMPORTANT -  Upon   purchasing a pup from me,you will be provided with a diet sheet.It will contain what,

and  when the pup was fed. also what to feed in the future! ANY  changes in diet MUST be ok'd by me first

, otherwise your health guarantee  will be void!!!!!!!!!!




Info on Feeding pups

Just what are the nutritional needs of these rapidly growing large and giant breed puppies?

Controlled growth, optimum levels of calcium and phosphorus, essential fatty acids as well as specific natural ingredients to

enhance development  are all essential elements in an optimum natural formula for a large or giant breed puppy. If growth is
not controlled and calcium levels are in excess ,the puppy  have an increased risk of contracting one of several developmental

bone diseases, all of which are very painful and can have permanent

detrimental effects on the puppy’s quality of life.

Traditional puppy diets are designed with lots of protein and fat so as to provide large amounts of calories. Large and
giant breed puppies do not do well on these diets and for that reason large and giant breed formulas were developed.

1. Controlled Growth:

If too many calories are consumed, the rate of growth will be increased. This is to be avoided. Too many calories increases
weight too rapidly on the developing bones and can increase the stress on developing bones and raise the risk of

developmental bone problems. These puppies should be fed an amount of food that maintains a slightly lean body
condition,at least until they are approximately 10-12 months of age.

. Calcium and Phosphorus Levels:

Most would assume that large and giant breed puppies would need more calcium and phosphorus than a smaller breed puppy,

as their bone structure is so much bigger. On the contrary, they actually need slightly less calcium. Too much calcium can also
increase the incidence of any one of those very  painful developmental bone diseases. The challenge is to provide just enough
calcium to reduce the risk of bone problems while supplying levels that allow for maximum growth potential. As long as you are
feeding a balanced diet, never supplement a large and giant breed puppy with a mineral supplement.

3. Certain Essential Fatty Acids:

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential Omega-3 fatty acid that has been found to enhance brain development in puppies.
It is important that these giants,  and in some cases large breeds, are well trained so that control is maintained. By providing
natural, functional food ingredients that support proper brain development, puppies have been found to be more easily
trained in the basic obedience commands.

4. Probiotics or Direct Fed Microbials (DFMs):

Probiotics are the essential “good bacteria” that play a key role in establishing the normal flora of the gut so that proper digestion
is achieved. They have the natural benefit of also enhancing the immune system early on in the puppy’s life. By feeding a daily diet
that contains these natural organisms, the digestive  system and immune system will be at optimum efficiency all the time.

5. Prebiotics

Prebiotics are the essential foods necessary to keep the probiotics or DFMs healthy and happy. They are natural ingredients
that have benefit specifically to  the good bacteria, as well as additional advantages for the puppy.

It’s always best to feed regularly as opposed to leaving food out for your puppy at all times. This will help control rate of growth.
Likewise, try and avoid feeding just before and just after exercise to reduce the chances of “bloat”, another potential problem for

some breeds.Giving a puppy the right start in life is as important as giving a child the right start. Creating good habits that include
regular exercise and feeding an optimum diet that will encourage maximum growth potential while reducing the risk of disease
is the ultimate goal.


What I recommend

I now feed my adults and puppies a raw diet and some cooked stews.

If you cannot feed all raw I have some other suggestions for you.





Fluoride is a Class 2 environmental toxin, second only to arsenic in its danger as a biochemically reactive poison. Fluoride’s primary use is as a rat and cockroach poison and it is a known carcinogen. Historically, fluoride was also used in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps to sterilize the human inmates. Research chemist Charles Perkins stated that repeated ingestion of low doses of fluoride over a long period of time destroyed areas of the human brain that trigger resistance so it also functioned to make inmates more docile.

More recent research shows that fluoride ingestion can cause dental fluorosis (disease of the teeth), weakening of bones, bone loss, bone cancer, kidney disease, osteosarcoma and hormone disruption. It can also lead to reduced IQ levels and cognitive damage. Due to the controversial findings on the fluoridation of water, a number of western European countries such as Austria, Germany, and Belgium have prohibited the practice of adding fluoride to their water. In fact, 98% of Europe is now free of fluoridated water.

When the water supply is fluoridated, it follows that the food supply will be as well. Water is consumed by our food animals, it is used for agriculture and crops, and it will wash into our rivers and oceans, affecting marine life. As we consume fruits, juices, meat and eggs, we are constantly ingesting small amounts of fluoride. It is difficult to estimate just how much fluoride each person is consuming on a daily basis. It is important to note however, that the effects of fluoride are cumulative and irreversible, so even small amounts can wreak havoc over time.

Read more about fluroide dangers at


Foods to avoid

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation, drunkenness, tremors, difficult breathing\
and/or panting,coma and even death. place unattended drinks where your dog cannot reach them;

AVOCADOS, ingestion of which can result in respiratory distress and the accumulation of fluid around the heart;

CHOCOLATE in all forms—baking, semi-sweet, milk and dark—can be potentially poisonous to dogs, depending
on the amount eaten. Vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, hyperactivity and increased thirst, urination and heart rate can
be seen with he ingestion of as little as ¼ ounce All forms of COFFEE, including the grounds and beans, can cause

the same symptoms as chocolate; GRAPES and RAISINS, which may be toxic to some dogs. Depending on the range
from vomiting to threatening kidney failure. As much s still to be discovered about the toxic principle in these fruits--

and as it is not yet clear if chronic, long-term ingestion can also lead to toxicosis--it is advised that you do not give your
dogs grapes or raisins in any amount;

MOLDY or SPOILED FOOD, which may contain molds that can result in GI irritation, tremors, seizures and death.

ONIONS,and CHIVES, which can lead to GI upset and damage red blood cells;

SALT and SALTY FOODS can result in sodium ion poisoning, symptoms of which include regurgitation, tremors, excessive

thirst, diarrhea, temperature and seizures. If enough salt is consumed, death can also result;

While the ripe red fruit of the TOMATO is not a potential problem, the leaves, stem and unripe fruit are. Ingestion of these can

cause GI upset, excess salivation, drowsiness, dilated pupils and weakness. The same symptoms can be seen with the
ingestion of any green plant parts of the potato;

Candies and gum that contain the sweetener XYLITOL can also cause problems in dogs—a fairly sudden drop in blood sugar,
resulting in depression  seizures--especially if large amounts are eaten;

YEAST DOUGH can be double trouble for dogs. As it rises, the dough can expand the GI tract, possibly causing the intestine to
rupture. The yeast can also form alcohol as it rises, leading to alcohol poisoning;

experts further caution canine caretakers to be careful when it comes to fatty meats and spicy foods.
